
How can I contribute to Jurisdictional?

At least two ways to Contribute
1. Sponsor one Entity
2. Support the whole website
Fill the bucket ðŸŠĢ
Your sponsorship directly funds data-gathering Tasks for an Entity, or to fund sitewide contributions.

0.00000000 BSV collected
0.00000000 BSV paid out in tasks

Complete tasks by contributing valid public data

Water the garden ðŸŠī
Gather civic data in Jurisdictional and get paid* from an entity-specific or sitewide wallet.

* Payment transactions occur after data is reviewed and merged.

There are multiple ways to support better civic information ecosystems:

Support with action
Support with bitcoin
  • One entity
    Sponsor an entity directly (Jurisdiction, Agency, Governing Board, Position, Person, or Service). Sponsor funds pay for contribution tasks.
  • Any entity
    Sponsor sitewide contributions; where bitcoins are used to fund and incentivize contributions across the whole site.
  • Site operations
    Support Jurisdiction's operations; the ongoing costs of running this website.
Support with fiat

Benefactors support public data by contributing funds (bitcoins) to the Jurisdiction Open Data Fund. The funds are managed transparently and are used to fund data contributions within the jurisdiction.

Start using Jurisdictional

Jurisdictional encourages each user to add, update, request, and share data.

Each public data record has many data fields, or "attributes." Every piece of data has a source and an author and an approval workflow. Contributors can earn bitcoin (BSV) by contributing accurate, up-to-date public data.

Data records can also be claimed by individuals. Claim preferences are given to official public staff, typically indicated by a formal jurisidictional email address, like .gov). If an entity is not claimed, anybody can claim it. If a public user (not a Staff member) claims an Entity, the Claim of a User who is Public Staff takes precendence over a normal User's Claim. However, User contributions are still retained. And, a User can flag an Entity claimed by a Public Staffer that is out-of-date. Users can contribute the missing data, receiving credit for it if the Public Staffer accepts or subsequently adds the proposed data contribution.

Repeatable tasks

Jurisdictional is an open directory of public entities. But the data inventory is vast, spanning 50 states and a federation of more than 90,000 jurisdictions and municipalities.

  • Coverage of a Person
    Create or update information about a Person.
  • Coverage of a Position
    Create or update information about a Position.
  • Coverage of a Service
    Create or update information about a public Service.
  • Coverage of an Agency
    Create or update information about a public Agency.
  • Coverage of a Governing Body
    Create or update information about a public governing body.

Repeatable milestones

Keeping the data accurate and up to date is the primary challenge.
Together, it is possible.

  • Complete a Governing Body
    Ensure records for all the members of a governing body.
  • Complete an Agency
    Ensure all the governing bodies and services are identified.
  • Complete a City
    Ensure all the public agencies within a city are listed
  • Complete a County/Borough
    Ensure all the county agencies and services are identified.

Contribute to the codebase

  • Get in touch and send a GitHub handle
  • Get added added to the repository
  • Clone the repository
  • Try to get the app up and running (pair with someone and file any issues in the Setup process)
  • Work from Trello and GitHub issues by writing features with tests

Contribute to the dataset by writing a "Gatherer"

A comprehensive dataset for all U.S. public entities is quite open-ended and is a substantial challenge to establish and maintain. Jurisdictional uses "Gatherers" to help gather this data. A Gatherer is used to scrape, format, and map entities from a Source URL into the Jurisdictional database. Given a trustworthy URL, a Gatherer returns structured data for each type of public entity.

Share your ideas ðŸ’Ą and feedback 💭

I want to hear from you! Please use this feedback form.

Support Transparency ☀ïļ 📝 🔍

Sponsor and contribution transactions are stored on the bitcoin blockchain.
Sponsors and Contributors will be listed on the site.

Financial milestones

  • bootstrapping
    volunteer time, labor, funds
  • $100 month
    covers initial server costs
  • $1,000 month
    covers awards and incentives for contributors
  • $10,000 month
    salary for full-time development
  • $100,000 month
    now we're doing things!